In this overview, you find all academic publications by Halleh Ghorashi.
- Ghorashi. H. (2024) Decolonizing the integration discourse through embedded narratives. Ethnic and Racial Studies, 1–20.
- Ghorashi, H. & Rast, M.C. (2024) special issue editors, Theorizing as a Liberatory Practice? The Emancipatory Promise of Knowledge Co-creation with (Forced) Migrants. Social Inclusion. Vol 12,
- Nebil Kusmallah & Ghorashi, H. (2024) Agency in Silence: The case of Unaccompanied Eritrean Refugee Minors in the Netherlands. Social Inclusion, vol. 12,
- Ghorashi, H. (2023) Structurele ‘bite’ van diversiteit en inclusive. Beleid en Maatschappij (14)2: 117-133, doi: 10.5553/BenM/138900692023050002009.
- Ghorashi, H., K. Boersma & F. Azarhoosh (2023) Tussen-denken en inclusief besturen rond armoede(PDF), In: Overmans, T., M. Honingh en M. Noordegraaf (red.), Werken aan maatschappelijke vraagstukken: verbindende bestuurskunde? In het kader van 50 jaar jubileum van Vereniging voor Bestuurskunde (VB). Boom, pp. 97-113.
- Ghorashi (2023) Home and the Politics of Location and Displacement, In: Boccagni, P. (ed.) Handbook on Home and Migration, Edward Elgar Publishing, 170-183.
- Ghorashi, H. (2023) Het belang van Insider-outsider perspectief (the importance of insider-outsider perspective)(PDF). Mens & Maatschappij, 98(3): 270-274. (plus de pdf in de bijlage)
- Ghorashi, H., Azarhoosh, F. and F. Boersma (2023) Inclusief besturen: Met tunnelvisie en cijferdenken komen we er niet. Tijdschrift voor Sociale Vraagstukken, 4: 30-35 and online:
- Pozzo, M., & Ghorashi, H. (2022). How liminality enhances conviviality through multilingual co-creations: Young refugees in the Netherlands. Current Sociology, 70(5): 682-702.
- Ghorashi, H. (2022). “Tussenruimtes” als broedplaats van verdraagzaamheid. In: Marcel ter Hooven (red.) Ware Tolerantie: Hoe we onszelf kunnen zijn en elkaar toch kunnen verdragen. Amsterdam: Van Gennep, pp. 89-99.
- Ghorashi, H. (2022) The Retreat of Idealism: Rethinking Engagement within Polarized Societies, In: Elahi, J, S. Trienekens & H. Ramsoedh (eds.), Against Better Judgement: Rethinking Multicultural Society. Leiden: Brill, pp. 24-33.
- Younes, Y., H. Ghorashi & E. Ponzoni (2021) Conflicting Experiences With Welcoming Encounters: Narratives of Newly Arrived Refugees in the Netherlands. Social Inclusion 9 (4): pp. 222-231.
- Holle, F., M.C. Rast & H. Ghorashi (2021) Exilic (Art) Narratives of Queer Refugees Challenging Dominant Hegemonies. Frontiers in Sociology 6: pp. 1-16.
- Ghorashi, H. (2021) Failed Promise of Equality: Iranian women’s integration in the Netherlands. International Migration 59 (4): pp. 88-104.
- Ghorashi, H. (2021) normalising power and engaged narrative methodology: refugee women, the forgotten category in the public discourse. Feminist Review 129: pp. 48-63.
- Larruina, R., H. Ghorashi (2020) Box-ticking exercise or real inclusion? Challenges of including refugees’ perspectives in EU policy. In: Gozdziak, E., I. Main & B. Sutter (2020) Europe and the Refugee Response: A Crisis of Values? London: Routledge. pp. 128-148.
- Smets, P., B. Reitsma, H. Ghorashi (2020) Community Servive Learning and the issue of power: University Students' engagement with disadvantaged neighbourhoods in Amsterdam. In: Crul, M., L. Dick, H. Ghorashi & A. Valenzuela Jr. (2020) Scholarly engagement and decolonisation: Views from South Africa, The Netherlands and the United States. Stellenbosch: African Sun Media. pp. 277-299.
- Dick, L., H. Ghorashi & A. Valenzuela Jr. (2020) Conclusion: Mirrors of reflection. In: Crul, M., L. Dick, H. Ghorashi & A. Valenzuela Jr. (2020) Scholarly engagement and decolonisation: Views from South Africa, The Netherlands and the United States. Stellenbosch: African Sun Media. pp. 371-384.
- Ponzoni, E., K. Mars & H. Ghorashi (2020) De kracht van een alternatief verhaal: De complementaire bijdrage van burgerinitiatieven aan inclusie van vluchtelingen in de Nederlandse samenleving. Amsterdam: Vrije Universiteit.
- Ghorashi, H. (2020) Diversiteit in organisaties: noodzaak en uitdaging. In: Bulten, C. D. J., C. F. Perquin-Deelen, M. H. C. Sinninghe Damsté & K. J. Bakker (eds.). (2020) Diversiteit: een multidisciplinaire terreinverkenning. Alphen aan den Rijn: Wolters Kluwers.
- Crul, M., L. Dick, H. Ghorashi & A. Valenzuela Jr. (2020) Scholarly engagement and decolonisation: Views from South Africa, the Netherlands, and the United States. In: Crul, M., L. Dick, H. Ghorashi & A. Valenzuela Jr. (2020) Scholarly engagement and decolonisation: Views from South Africa, The Netherlands and the United States. Stellenbosch: African Sun Media.
- Ponzoni, E., H. Ghorashi & M. Badran (2020) Naar een structurele plek voor het perspectief en visie van vluchtelingen in beleidsvorming. Amsterdam: ISR/Refugee Academy.
- Crul, M., L. Dick, H. Ghorashi & A. Valenzuela Jr. (2020) Scholarly engagement and decolonisation: Views from South Africa, The Netherlands and the United States. Stellenbosch: African Sun Media.
- Ghorashi, H. (2020). Taking racism beyond Dutch innocence. European Journal of Women's Studies doi:10.1177/1350506820978897.
- Rast, M. C., Y. Younes, P. Smets, & H. Ghorashi (2020) The resilience potential of different refugee reception approaches taken during the ‘refugee crisis’ in Amsterdam. Current Sociology 68(7): pp. 853-871.
- Vijlbrief, A., S. Saharso & H. Ghorashi (2020) Transcending the gender binary: Gender non-binary young adults in Amsterdam. Journal of LGBT Youth 17(1): pp. 89-106.
- Kovács, Z., P. Smets & H. Ghorashi (2019) The Game of Participation in Amsterdam East: An Alternative to the Neoliberal or a Neoliberal Alternative? In: J.K. Fisker, L. Ghiappini, L. Pugalis & A. Bruzzese (eds.) Enabling Urban Alternatives: Crises, Contestation, and Cooperation. Singapore: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 133-155.
- Ghorashi, H. (2018) Challenges of Integration and Belonging: Iranians in the Netherlands. In: M. Mostafavi Mobasher (ed.), The Iranian Diaspora: Challenges, Negotiations, and Transformations. Austin: University of Texas Press, pp. 74-92.
- Leyerzapf, H., P. Verdonk, H. Ghorashi & T.A. Abma (2018) “We are all so different that it is just… normal.” Normalization practices in an academic hospital in the Netherlands.Scandinavian Journal of Management, 34: 141-150.
- Rast, M. & H. Ghorashi (2018) Dancing with “The Other”: Challenges and Opportunities of Deepening Democracy through Participatory Spaces for Refugees. Social Inclusion, 6(1): 188-198.
- Ghorashi, H., M. de Boer & F. ten Holder (2018) Unexpected agency on the threshold: Asylum seekers narrating from an asylum seeker centre. Current Sociology, 66(3): 373-391.
- Ghorashi, H. (2018) Commentary: Unsettling friendship and using friendship to unsettle.
Sage Journals, Urban Studies. 55(3): 655-661. - Waldring, I., M. Crul & H. Ghorashi (2018) The Ability to Deal with Difference: Turkish-Dutch Professionals as Go-Betweens in the Education Sector. New directions for child and adolescent development, 160: 45-58.
- Davis, K., Ghorashi, H. & Smets, P. eds. (2018) Contested Belonging: Spaces, Practices, Biographies.Bingley: Emerald.
- Davis, K., Ghorashi, H., Smets, P. & Eijberts, M. (2018) Introduction. In: K. Davis, H. Ghorashi & P. Smets (eds) Contested Belonging: Spaces, Practices, Biographies. Bingley: Emerald, pp. 1-16.
- Leyerzapf, H., Abma, T., Verdonk, P. & Ghorashi, H. (2018) Meaningful Culturalization in an Academic Hospital: Belonging and Difference in the Interference Zone Between System and Life World. In: K. Davis, H. Ghorashi & P. Smets (eds) Contested Belonging: Spaces, Practices, Biographies. Bingley: Emerald, pp. 209-233.
- Kian, L. & Ghorashi, H. (2018) ‘Sometimes I Feel More Moroccan than Dutch”: Identity and Belonging in Second-Generation Iranian-Dutch Women. In: K. Davis, H. Ghorashi & P. Smets (eds) Contested Belonging: Spaces, Practices, Biographies. Bingley: Emerald, pp. 333-357.
- Ghorashi, H., Davis, K. & Smets, P. (2018) < Epilogue: Reflections on Belonging, Otherness and the Possibilities of Friendship. In: K. Davis, H. & P. Smets (eds) Contested Belonging: Spaces, Practices, Biographies. Bingley: Emerald, pp. 379-391.
- Ghorashi, H. (2018) Decolonizing the Islamic Other: The Changed Conditions of Critical Thinking. In: Melissa F. Weiner & Antonio Carmona Báez (eds.) Smash the Pillars: Decoloniality and the Imaginary of Color in the Dutch Kingdom. Lanham: Lexington Books, pp. 185-197.
- Ghorashi, H. & Suanet, B. (2017) Introductie voor de special issue over vluchtelingen: Pleidooi voor een gelaagde benadering van vluchtelingenproblematiek. Mens & Maatschappij 92, 4: 353-357.
- Ghaemnia, S., H. Ghorashi & M. Crul (2017) Grootse dromen, uitgekomen? Mens & Maatschappij, 92(4): 421-445.
- Ghorashi, H. (2017) Negotiating belonging beyond rootedness: Unsettling the sedentary bias in the Dutch culturalist discourse. Ethnic and Racial Studies, 40(14): 2426-2443.
- Ghorashi, H. (2017) Rethinking diversity beyond dichotomies of self-other. In: H. Alzheimer, S. Doering-Manteuffel, D. Drascek & A. Treiber (eds.) Jahrbuch Für Europäische Ethnologie. Kornwestheim: Schöningh, p. 169-182.
- Ghorashi, H. (2017) A Shifting Quest for a Sense of Home.
In: S. Dijkstra, L. van Doorn & J.C. van Pelt (eds.) Seeking Home in a Strange Land: Trues stories of the changing meaning of home. Utrecht: Stili Novi, pp. 135-155. - Ghorashi, H., M. de Boer & F. ten Holder (2017) Unexpected agency on the threshold: Asylum seekers narrating from an asylum seeker centre. Current Sociology
- Ponzoni, E., H. Ghorashi & S. van der Raad (2017) Caught between norm and difference: Narratives on refugees’ inclusion in organizations. Equality, diversity and inclusion: An international Journal
- Rouvoet, M., M. Eijberts & H. Ghorashi (2017) Identification Paradoxes and Multiple Belongings: the Narratives of Italian Migrants in the Netherlands. Social Inclusion, 5(1): 105-116.
- Rassismus und der “undankbare Andere” in den Niederlanden,
In: K. Fereidooni & M. El (Hrsg.) Rassimuskritik und Widerstandsformen.
Heidelberg: Springer VS, pp. 61-80. - Ghorashi, H. (2017) Negotiating belonging beyond rootedness: Unsettling the sedentary bias in the Dutch culturalist discourse.
Ethnic and Racial Studies, 40(14): 2426-2443
- Eijberts, M. & Ghorashi, H.: Biographies and the doubleness of inclusion and exclusion. Social Identities: Journal for the Study of Race, Nation and Culture.
- Iranian Feminists and transnational contestations (together with R. Moghaddam). Labrys, 29.
- The normality and materiality of the dominant discourse: Voluntary work inside a Dutch asylum seeker centre (together with R. Larruina). Journal of Immigrant and Refugee studies, 14(2): 220-237.
- Caught in the middle? How women deal with conflicting pregnancy-advice from health professionals and their social networks (together with Schölmerich, V., Denktas, S., Groenewegen). Midwifery, 35: 62-69.
- “The Times They Are a-Changin’”.
In: M. Flikkema (ed.) Sense of Serving: Reconsidering the Role of Universities Now.Amsterdam: VU University Press, pp. 26-32. - Muslim Diaspora in the West. In: J. Stone, R. Dennis, P. Rizova, A. D. Smith, and C. Xiaoshuo Hou (eds.) Wiley Blackwell Encyclopedia of Race, Ethnicity, and Nationalism. Oxford: Wiley Blackwell, pp. 1481 – 1484.
- From Bridging to Building: Discourses of Organizing Iranian Americans across Generations (together with Donya Alinejad). In: R. Mohabbat-Kar (ed.) Identity and Exile: The Iranian Diaspora between Solidarity and Difference, Berlin: Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung, pp. 62-76.
- Ethnic identity positioning at work: Understanding professional career experiences (together with Ossenkop, C., C.J Vinkenburg & P.G.W. Jansen). Scandinavian Journal of Management, 31: 515-525.
- Paradoxes of Equality and Good Will in Managing Diversity: A Dutch case in the Philanthropic Sector (together with C. Carabain & E. Szepietowska). In: Tatiana Matejskova, Marco Antonsich (eds.) Governing through Diversity. Migration Societies in Post-Multiculturalist Times. Houndmills: Palgrave, pp. 83-104.
- Discrimination of Second-Generation Professionals in Leadership Positions (together with I. Waldring & M. Crul)., Social Inclusion, 3(4): 38-49
- Ethnic diversity and social capital in upward mobility systems: problematizing the permeability of intra-organizational career boundaries. (together with Ossenkop, C., C.J Vinkenburg & P.G.W. Jansen). Career Development International 20(5): 539-555.
- Levensverhalen doorbreken het wij-zij denken, in Tijdschrijft voor biografie, 4(2): 51-58.
- Waarom is racisme taboe in Nederland?In: M. Davidović en A. Terlouw (red.) Diversiteit en Discriminatie: Onderzoek naar processen van in- en uitsluiting. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, pp. 183-200.
- Ghorashi, H. (2015) Nederlandse empancipatiemythe. In: S. Dudink & L. Plate (eds.) Mythe van gender, essays voor Willy Jansen. Nijmegen: Vantilt, pp. 53-59. (PDF)
- The Fine Art of Boundary Sensitivity. Successful Second Generation Turks and Moroccans in the Netherlands (together with I. Waldring & M. Crul).
In: New Diversities 16(1): 71-87. - Routed Connections in Late Modern Times.
In: U.M. Vieten (ed.) Revisiting Iris Marion Young on Normalisation, Inclusion and Democracy,. Houndmills: Palgrave Pivot, pp. 49-67. - Racism and “the Ungrateful Other” in the Netherlands.
In: Philomena Essed & Isabel Hoving (eds.) Dutch Racism. New York: Rodopi, pp. 101-116. - Een verschuivende zoektocht naar het thuisgevoel.
In: Sietske Dijkstra & Lia van Doorn (red.) Een vreemde thuis in den vreemde.
Utrecht: Stili Novi, pp. 95-111. - Bringing polyphony one step further: Relational narratives of women from the position of difference , Women’s Studies International Forum (WSIF), 43: 59-66. Special Issue “Embodied Engagement”.
- Reviving agency: Taking time and making space for rethinking diversity and inclusion. (samen met E. Ponzoni).
European Journal of Social Work, 17(2): 161-174.
- Multiculturele samenleving in onzekere tijden: Een zoektocht naar verbindingsbronnen zonder nationalisme.
In: L. Coello, J. Dagevos, C. Huinder, J. van der Leun & A. Odé (red.) Het minderhedenbeleid voorbij: Motieven en gevolgen. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, pp. 41-59. - Juggling difference and sameness: Rethinking strategies for diversity in organizations (together with I. Sabelis). Scandinavian Journal of Management, 29(1): 78-86.
- Female narratives of ‘new’ citizens’ belonging(s) and identities in Europe: case studies from the Netherlands and Britain (together with U. Vieten). Identities: Global Studies in Culture and Power. 19(6): 725–741.
- Iranians in the Netherlands since 1980. In: K.J. Bade, P.C. Emmer, L. Lucassen en J. Oltmer (eds.) The Encyclopedia of European Migration and Minorities. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Muslim Diaspora in the West: Negotiating Gender, Home and Belonging. (Redactie samen met Haideh Moghissi). Surrey: Ashgate.
- Culturele diversiteit, Nederlandse identiteit en democratisch burgerschap.
Den Haag: Sdu Uitgevers. - The Right to be Different: The Position of Muslim Migrants in the Netherlands. In: Reza Banakar (ed.)
Rights in Context: Law and Justice in Late Modern Society. Surrey: Ashgate, pp. 163-177. - From absolute invisibility to extreme visibility: Emancipation trajectory of migrant women in the Netherlands. Feminist Review 94: 75-92.
- Licht en Schaduw: Vijftien vrouwen over leven en overleven (redactie samen met Christien Brinkgreve).
Amsterdam: VU Uitgeverij. - Persoonlijke ontwikkeling en etnische identiteit (samen met Fons van de Vijver). In: Joop de Jong en Sjoerd Colijn (red.) Handboek Culturele psychiatrie en psychotherapie. Utrecht: De Tijdstroom, pp. 57-75.
- “Dutchness” and the migrant “other”: From suppressed superiority to explicit exclusion? Focaal: European Journal of Anthropology, 56: 106-111.
- Demokratie und Freiheit des anderen – Warum das integrationmodell der Niederlande gescheitert ist. In: M.M. Thoss & C. Weiss (red.) Das Ende der Gewissheiten. München: Diederichs, pp. 92-108.
- The ‘Iranian Diaspora’ and the New Media From Political Action to Humanitarian Help (PDF).(Samen met Kees Boersma). Development and Change, 40(4): 667-691.
- Beyond Complicity: a plea for Engaged Ethnography (samen met Harry Wels). In: Sierk Ybema, Dvora Yanow, Harry Wels & Frans Kamsteeg (eds.) Organizational ethnography. Studying the complexities of everyday organizational life. Sage, pp.231-253.
- Antropologen en het multiculturele debat. In: T. Sunier (red.) Antropologie in een zee van verhalen. Amsterdam: Aksant, pp. 45-59.
- Polariseren in het Nederland van nu betekent olie op het vuur (PDF). In: Raad voor Maatschappelijke Ontwikkeling, Polarisatie. Bedreigend en verrijkend. Amsterdam: SWP, pp. 153-170.
Zie ook het artikel van Nelleke Noordervliet over dit rapport in Trouw
- Paradoxes of Cultural Recognition: Perspectives from Northern Europe (book edited together with Sharam Alghasi and Thomas Hylland Eriksen).
Surrey: Ashgate. - Introduction. In: Alghasi, Eriksen & Ghorashi (eds.) Paradoxes of Cultural Recognition: Perspectives from Northern Europe. Surrey: Ashgate.
- National Identity and The Sense of (Non-)Belonging: Iranians in the United States and the Netherlands. In: Alghasi, Eriksen & Ghorashi (eds.)
- Paradoxes of Cultural Recognition: Perspectives from Northern Europe. Surrey: Ashgate.
- De paradox van zichtbaarheid: in organisaties en in het veld van eergerelateerd geweld (samen met Nicole Brenninkmeijer). In: J. van der Zwaard, Janine Janssen, Saskia Keuzenkam en Fouzia Outmany (red.)
- Dwarse vrouwen: Verbinding en verbeeldingskracht. Amsterdam: Aksant, pp. 65-72.
- Ruimte laten, ruimte maken en ruimte bewaken.
De kracht van zelfbeheersing: Christen Democratische Verkenningen.
Boom tijdschriften, pp. 165-173. - Fixatie op verschil biedt geen perspectief voor de toekomst. In: J.H. Gerards (red.)
- Gelijke behandeling: oordelen en commentaar 2007 (PDF). Utrecht: Commissie Gelijke behandeling, pp. 245-261.
- Culturen in beweging: democratie en veiligheid in de publieke ruimte. In: H. Boutellier & R. van Steden (red.) Veiligheid en burgerschap in een netwerksamenleving. Den Haag: Boom Juridische Uitgevers.
- Ethnicity. In: S. Clegg and J. Bailey (eds.) International Encyclopedia of Organization Studies.
Sage Publications. - Giving Silence A Chance: The importance of life stories for research on refugees (PDF). Journal of Refugee Studies, 21 (1): 117-132.
- Paradoxen van culturele erkenning. Management van diversiteit in een nieuw Nederland. Tijdschrift voor Humanistiek, 32(8): 49-53.
- The Paradoxes of Cultural Diversity within Organizations. The International Journal of Diversity in Organizations, Communities & Nations, 7(5): 223-229.
- Iranische Flüchtelinge in Nord-,West und Mitteleuropa seit 1980 (Beispiel Niederlande). In: K.J. Bade, P.C. Emmer, L. Lucassen, J. Oltmer (red.) Enzyklopädie Migration in Europa. Paderborn, München, Wien, Zürich/Ferdinand Schöningh,Wilhelm Fink, pp. 646-649.
- Warum hat Ayaan Hirsi Ali unrecht? In: Thierry Chervel en Anja Seeliger (eds.) Islam in Europa. Frankfurt: Suhrkamp, pp. 165-177.
- Arts: Remembrances and Narrations.
In: Suad Joseph (General Editor)
Encyclopedia of Women and Islamic Cultures, Volume V: Practices, Interpretations and Representations.
Leiden/Boston: Brill, pp. 113. - Iranian Women’s Voices Across Borders. In: Ireen Dubel en Karen Vintges (eds.)Women, Feminism & Fundamentalism. Amsterdam: SWP Publishers, pp. 82-98.
- Who Dares to Experiment with Culture? In: Rosi Braidotti, Charles Esche, and Maria Hlavajova (eds.) Dutch Pavilion Critical Reader. Utrecht/Zürich: Bak&JPR/Ringier, pp. 125-143.
- Media bieden weinig tegenwicht aan het categorale denken. In: Huub Evers en Carmelita Serkei (red.) Naar een interculturele journalistiek: beschouwingen over media en multiculturele samenleving. Amsterdam/Utrecht: Aksant/Mira Media, pp. 64-74.
- What has the metaphor of ‘bridging’ to do with hybridity? Discourses on identity within Iranian-American organizations. In: Ajaya Kumar Sahoo and Brij Maharaj (eds.) Sociology of Diaspora: A Reader 2v.
New Delhi: Rawat Publication, pp. 542-557.
- ‘Ik ben veilig maar niet gelukkig’: De impact van de verzorgingsstaat op het leven van vluchtelingen. Filosofie in Bedrijf (tijdschrift voor cultuur, management en organisatie), 71(3/4): 73-85.
- Paradoxen van culturele erkenning: Management van diversiteit in nieuw Nederland (ingekorte versie van de oratie), Tijdschrift voor Genderstudies(PDF), 9(4): 42-54.
- Iraanse vrouwenstemmen. Tijdschrift voor Humanistiek, 27: 59-73.
- “When is My Dutch Good Enough?” Experiences of Refugee Women with Dutch Labour Organisations (PDF) (together with Maria van Tilburg).
Journal of International Migration and Integration, 7(1): 51-70. - Culturalisering van de emancipatie van migrantenvrouwen (PDF). Krisis: tijdschrift voor actuele filosofie, 7(3): 42-47.
- Paradoxes of transnational space and local activism: Iranians organizing across borders (with Nayereh Tavakoli). Focaal: European Journal of Anthropology, 47: 90-102.
- The Gender Question in Globalization: Changing Perspectives and Practices.
Aldershot: Ashgate, p. 197-217. - Layered meanings of community: Experiences of Iranian women exiles in ‘Irangeles’. In: T. Davids, F. van Driel (eds.)
- Identities and the sense of belonging: Iranian Women Political activists in Exile. In: Ph. Essed, G. Frerks and J. Schrijvers (eds.)
Refugees and the Transformation of Societies. Oxford: Berghahn Publishers, p. 106-119 (Paperback). - When the Boundaries are Blurred: the Significance of Feminist Methods in Research. European Journal of Women’s Studies, 12(3): 363-375.
- Refugees: Agents of Change or Passive Victims: The Impact of Welfare States (The case of The Netherlands) on Refugees (PDF).Journal of Refugee Studies, 18(2): 182-198.
- Shifting and Conflicting Identities: Iranian Women Political Activists in Exile. In: H. Moghissi (ed.), Women and Islam, Vol. III: 427-448. New York, London: Routledge.
- Multiculturalism and Citizenship in the Netherlands. ISIM (International Institute for the Study of Islam in the Modern World) Review, 15: pp. 10.
- How dual is transnational identity? A debate on duality of transnational immigrant organizations. Culture & Organization, 10(4): 329-340.
- Identities and the sense of belonging: Iranian Women Political activists in Exile. In: Ph. Essed, G. Frerks and J. Schrijvers (eds.) Refugees and the Transformation of Societies. Oxford: Berghahn Publishers, pp. 106-119.
- Ayaan Hirsi Ali: dapper of dogmatisch? Tijdschrift voor genderstudies, 7(1): 58-63.
- Iraanse vrouwen, transnationaal of nationaal? Een (de)territoriale benadering van ‘thuis’ in Nederland en de Verenigde Staten. Migrantenstudies, 3: 140-156.
- Ways to survive, Battles to win: Iranian women exiles in the Netherlands and the United States.
New York: Nova Science Publishers (Paperback). - From Marxist Organizations to Feminism: Iranian Women’s Experiences of Revolution and Exile (PDF). The Journal of the Study of Religions and Ideologies (J.S.R.I.), special issue on Gender and/in Ideologies, no. 6: 89-107.
- Multiple Identities between Continuity and Change: The narratives of Iranian women in Exile (PDF). Focaal: European Journal of Anthropology, theme number: Multiple Identifications and the Self, T. Van Meijl en H. Driessen (eds.), no. 42: 63-75.
- Ayaan Hirsi Ali: daring or dogmatic? Debates on multiculturalism and emancipation in the Netherlands (PDF). Focaal: European Journal of Anthropology, no. 42: 163-173.
- Ways to survive, Battles to win: Iranian women exiles in the Netherlands and the United States.
New York: Nova Science Publishers (Hardcover). - Huilen, schrikken, lachen, kortom meereizen met de ander: de meerwaarde van levensverhalen binnen sociaal wetenschappelijke onderzoek. Amsterdams Sociologisch Tijdschrift, 29(1): 59-73.
- ‘Tot behoud van mijn identiteit’: Identiteitsvorming binnen de zmv-vrouwenbeweging (samen met Esther Captain). In: M. Botman, N. Jouwe en G. Wekker (red.)
- Caleidoscopische visies: de Zwarte, migranten en vluchtelingen-vrouwenbeweging in Nederland. Amsterdam: Koninklijk Instituut voor de Tropen, pp. 153-187.
- Verhalen als spiegels: Iraanse vrouwelijke balling onderzoekt lotgenoten. Tijdschrift voor Genderstudies, themanummer: Feministische Antropologie, kennis en representatie. 2(1): 45-54.
- Mohajerat: aghazi no dar jonbesh-e zanan? (Migratie: een nieuwe begin in de vrouwenbeweging?) Arash [Perzisch tijdschrift], 72: 32-33.
- The Valley Ones: Conversations with Women Activists of the Iranian Revolution. In: Suitcase: A Journal of Transcultural Traffic, 3(1&2): 18-26.
- Shifting and Conflicting Identities: Iranian Women Political Activists in Exile.
In:The European Journal of Women’s Studies, 4(3): 283-303.