Media and lectures

“We leven in een tijd van oneliners en eendimensionale verhalen waarmee politici en anderen de complexiteit van de wereld en het leven behapbaar denken te maken.”
Aldus hoogleraar Diversiteit en Integratie aan de Vrije Universiteit Halleh Ghorashi. Over onszelf en de anderen. Door Willemien Veldmankmarsman

VU professor of Diversity and Integration Halleh Ghorashi (1962) fled from Iran as a political refugee and settled down in The Netherlands. She takes a stand against the negative portrayal of refugees and migrants and fights for diversity and inclusion, at both a societal and corporate level. Her own experiences have always played a big part in the research she eventually went on to conduct.
ECRE (European Council of Refugees and Exiles) interview related to the keynote address provided during the ECRE conference in the Hague: Refugees’ integration should start from the very beginning of a stay in a new country.
“It breaks my heart when I think that I had a chance to be successful and to rebuild a life, but I could be them, and they could me, if there was a different time and a different place.”
Read more: Refugees’ integration should start from the very beginning of a stay in a new country
The Daily Show på persisk
Een journalistiek artikel door Mette Hedemand Soltoft in Weekendavisen (Deense krant): “The Daily Show på persisk” op basis van het wetenschappelijk artikel: Ghorashi, H. and F.K. Boersma (2009). The ‘Iranian Diaspora’ and the New Media From Political Action to Humanitarian Help.Development and Change, 40(4): 667-691.