Media and lectures
29 January 2025De macht van vanzelfsprekendheid
“We leven in een tijd van oneliners en eendimensionale verhalen waarmee politici en anderen de complexiteit van de wereld en het leven behapbaar denken te maken.” Aldus hoogleraar...
9 January 2023Lecture for the Exhibition From Evin with Love on the 14th of October 2022.
The timing of the exhibition Evin with Love1 at ISS fits in so well with what is going on in Iran at this moment. The outrage and bravery in Iran currently is distinctive in many ways: 1)...
17 February 2021Conference Call on Engaged Scholarship & COVID-19
In a matter of weeks, COVID-19 has become a global pandemic. In the meantime, millions of people have become infected, and even more have been impacted by the socio-economic measures taken to...

“We leven in een tijd van oneliners en eendimensionale verhalen waarmee politici en anderen de complexiteit van de wereld en het leven behapbaar denken te maken.”
Aldus hoogleraar Diversiteit en Integratie aan de Vrije Universiteit Halleh Ghorashi. Over onszelf en de anderen. Door Willemien Veldmankmarsman

The timing of the exhibition Evin with Love1 at ISS fits in so well with what is going on in Iran at this moment. The outrage and bravery in Iran currently is distinctive in many ways:
1) Many call the movement a feminist movement, led by women who do not accept the deep humiliation inflicted on them by the Islamic Republic anymore;
Read more: Lecture for the Exhibition From Evin with Love on the 14th of October 2022.

In 2022, AmCham is celebrating its 60th anniversary with a year full of celebratory and notable events. Leading up to the big anniversary event of January 26, AmCham will host a series of (breakfast) sessions in collaboration with the content partners of the 60th Anniversary Celebration.
Read more: Podcast: Imagine 60 Years Up – On Diversity & Inclusion

Halleh Ghorashi (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam), Jeroen Kluck (Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences) and Hergen Spits (University of Amsterdam and Amsterdam UMC) will receive the Impact Award 2021 this year. Every year the Impact Award is presented to renowned researchers or research groups who make a meaningful contribution to society.

In a matter of weeks, COVID-19 has become a global pandemic. In the meantime, millions of people have become infected, and even more have been impacted by the socio-economic measures taken to contain the pandemic. While the virus itself does not discriminate based on age, race, income, or immigration status, these categories still determine who is more likely to get infected, recover or die from the virus, as well as be most impacted by the socio-economic measures taken to contain it.
Read more: Conference Call on Engaged Scholarship & COVID-19

Today, we listen to the stories of Younes Younes and Halleh Ghorashi. How did they experience the Dutch social and political atmosphere? What role has engaged scholarship played in their lives? And, how can engaged scholarship contribute to addressing issues in regard to the inclusion and exclusion of refugees in society?

VU professor of Diversity and Integration Halleh Ghorashi (1962) fled from Iran as a political refugee and settled down in The Netherlands. She takes a stand against the negative portrayal of refugees and migrants and fights for diversity and inclusion, at both a societal and corporate level. Her own experiences have always played a big part in the research she eventually went on to conduct.

TedX: The Changed Conditions of Critical Thinking
TEDxAUCollege talk: The Changed Conditions of Critical Thinking
Humanizing Refugees
Interview at Sonono Radio Show, Urban Stories Festival, “Humanizing Refugees”
ECRE (European Council of Refugees and Exiles) interview related to the keynote address provided during the ECRE conference in the Hague: Refugees’ integration should start from the very beginning of a stay in a new country.
“It breaks my heart when I think that I had a chance to be successful and to rebuild a life, but I could be them, and they could me, if there was a different time and a different place.”
Read more: Refugees’ integration should start from the very beginning of a stay in a new country
The Daily Show på persisk
Een journalistiek artikel door Mette Hedemand Soltoft in Weekendavisen (Deense krant): “The Daily Show på persisk” op basis van het wetenschappelijk artikel: Ghorashi, H. and F.K. Boersma (2009). The ‘Iranian Diaspora’ and the New Media From Political Action to Humanitarian Help.Development and Change, 40(4): 667-691.
Journal of Anthropology
Paradoxes of transnational space and local activism: Iranians organizing across borders. (with Nayereh Tavakoli) Verschenen in Focaal-European Journal of Anthropology 47(2006): 90-112.